Special Offers

Only for limited time!!

Order any of these with special prices:


You can order the full album with any of these backing tracks:

- Guitar Backing Track
- Bass Backing Track
- Drum  Backing Track
- Vocal Backing Track

You can order the full album with any of these backing tracks:

- Guitar Backing Track
- Bass Backing Track
- Drum Backing Track
- Vocal Backing Track

You can order the full album with any of these backing tracks:

- Guitar Backing Track
- Bass Backing Track
- Drum Backing Track
- Vocal Backing Track


  1. Hey can you make a drum backing track of the band Valencia, please ill pay you, the songs I want are: Carry On, Free, Dancing With A Ghost, Losing Sleep, Somewhere I Belong, Safe To Say, The Space Between, & Stop Searching!!!!! Thanks

  2. You know thats highly illegal right?

    1. Yeah, I was thinking that too. If you want the backing tracks, just go to a free website and download the all for free :D

  3. Hey dude, can you make backing track of Brain Stew (Green Day) with only bass and drums?
